VIDEO: The Paranormal Portal of Hockomock Swamp
Paranormal and portals? That’s all we need to hear. Join Phill (Episode 50: Haunting Stories of Onset, Massachusetts) on a trek through Hockomock Swamp to catch EVPs, evidence of a witch, and more high strangeness in the video The Paranormal Portal of Hockomock Swamp.
VIDEO: Phill from Episode 50 - Haunting Stories of Onset, Massachusetts Goes Randonauting in Haunted Hockomock Swamp
If you’ve listened The Confessionals for any length of time, you’ve probably been creeped out by a memorable clip from the intro: “When he came over to me, dude, he slithered over to me.” That disturbing sound bite comes to us courtesy of Phill from the even creepier Episode 50: Haunting Stories of Onset, Massachusetts. Now for even more eerie adventures with Phill, check out a video of his Randonautica trip to haunted Hockomock Swamp in southeastern Massachusetts!