Written Confession: The Phantom Family of Florida
The following written confession was submitted via email: …as he walked through the neighborhood he heard someone yell his nickname he was given as a child in West Virginia, "hey hog, hey hog Ryder" … he sees a vaguely familiar face on a man that is sitting on his front porch, children running around and wife close by yelling at them, he approached the home and said "how did you know my nick name?"…
BLOG: 30 Images of Uncanny Coincidences People Experienced Using the Randonautica App
It’s a dangerous business going out your front door, and there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to, but you don’t have to be Frodo to explore an unknown destination for an extraordinary adventure! Or a strange adventure. Or a creepy one. Or all of the above. Users of the curious app Randonautica are exploring the world around them, and documenting the weird journey. Are these locations truly random points on the map, or does the purposeful power of the mind manifest a synchronistic reality? Here are 30 Images of Uncanny Coincidences People Experienced Using the Randonautica App!
Written Confession: Surviving a Car Wreck That Never Happened
The following written confession was shared via Reddit by alexsangthat: So I don’t really know how to explain this or if it even fits on this sub or even what actually happened if I’m being honest, but regardless I will try to relay the story. I was driving to work yesterday morning and I’m coming up a side street that connects to a very busy road in my area. It’s the main road that stretches through like 20 towns. I get to the red light at this main road and sit there for about 15 seconds before seeing a car pull up behind me. As the car comes to a complete stop behind me, my eyes drift from the rearview mirror to the stop light in front of me….
BLOG: 11 Strange Stories of Supernatural Doubles
The theme of the “evil twin” has long been a surprise plot twist in many movies and books. But what if the evil twin paradox was in fact a true event? In the paranormal world, the idea of the evil twin presents itself in several kinds of similar phenomena. Each of these aspects of the “evil twin” falls under the wide, mysterious umbrella of supernatural doubles. While plausible explanations about the physical causes or reasons for the phenomena are limited in number, scary stories of each one are in no short supply. Read just a few of these chilling accounts in these 11 strange stories of supernatural doubles!
Written Confession: Is Disturbing “Unfinished Man” a Ghost or a Glitch in the Matrix?
The following written confession was originally shared online: This incident occurred in '09 or '10 and at that time I was living in a small house in the oldest neighborhood in our town (all late 1800's/Turn-Of-The-Century type charm). Forgive the wordiness, but I feel it's necessary to include a little detail about my street for frame of reference. My house sat two houses from the corner and directly across the street from a small park. Right across the park from us sat my youngest son's best friend's house. It was a cute little place for a single mother with two boys and I never had any problems there, even though it was one of those neighborhoods where one block is cute as a button and the next can be a slum…