BLOG: Ghost in the Graveyard? Haunting Images of Alleged Cemetery Ghosts Caught on Camera
As Halloween draws near, cemeteries become hotspots for ghost tours and paranormal investigations, with many hoping to capture something supernatural on camera. If you're planning your own spooky adventure, be sure to keep your eyes open—these haunting locations have a way of surprising even the most skeptical visitors. To get in the spirit, here are some eerie images of alleged ghosts caught on camera in graveyards, leaving us to wonder: are they genuine ghosts or trick photography?
Written Confession: Creepy Ghost Picture From the Cary House in California
The following written confession and images were submitted to the show via social media: We took this at the Historic and very haunted Cary House here in Placerville California (portals to hell did an episode on this on travel channel) this was taken with a IR camera after the lady in the photo complained of feeling someone sitting on her back.
BLOG: 10 Photos of Unexpected Ghosts and Entities Taken at Family Gatherings
Depending on your family, the holidays are a wonderful time to celebrate with family and friends, or a real horror show. With Thanksgiving coming up and the December holidays not far behind, we’re taking a look at some photos from family events that really became something of a horror, after the pictures were found to contain some pretty scary uninvited guests. From an alleged demon’s animal face, to a disembodied hand, to a famous photograph that may not be what it seems, here are 10 Photos of Unexpected Ghosts and Entities Taken at Family Gatherings!
BLOG: 6 Images of Ghost Monks Caught on Camera
The Confessionals Episode 112: Demons in the Desert features a scary encounter with a ghost monk. While it is a unique sighting, others have also witnessed strange apparitions of monks! Take a look at 6 photos of alleged ghost monks that tourists, a ghost hunter, and a photographer managed to catch on camera: