Written Confession: A Fiery Premonition in a Hellish Dream
The following written confession was submitted via email: …When I was 17, I left home, found a job and a flat share back in London, but I would come home to my mums the odd weekend. This particular time I came home in the Friday, & I went to bed in my old room. That night I had a very vivid and terrifying nightmare…
Written Confession: A Little Girl Wakes Up To a Little Devil
The following written confession was submitted via email: When I was 3 or 4 I was sleeping in the back bedroom of my grandmas trailer on the Oneida Rez in Wisconsin. I was in a toddler sized bed at the foot of my moms bed. I woke up and this little “devil” was sitting on my stomach just staring and smiling at me, his smile was like the Cheshire cats, really big that went up to his eyes. He was holding something….