READ: “It’s Like Staring at Demons” - Tennessee Man Lives with Prosopometamorphopsia AKA ‘Demonic Face Syndrome’
Victor Sharrah, a 59-year-old resident of Nashville, experienced a chilling episode one winter day that altered his perception of the world around him. After waking up and switching on the television, Sharrah experienced the ordinary faces of his roommate and roommate's girlfriend change into grotesquely distorted visages with elongated eyes, etched scars, and unusually pointy ears.
Written Confession: Dreaming and Waking Up To a Reptilian Demon
The following written confession was submitted via email: So when I was 12 my grandma on my moms side passed away and I was really upset I didn’t get to say my goodbyes because she got lung cancer from smoking that hit really hard and fast and was not really conscious in the hospital. When I was about 24 one night I had a dream I was in my grandparents old house where we always went for holidays….
Written Confession: Spiritual Battle at Summer Camp
The following written confession was submitted via email: …I just finished listening to your interview with Pastor Daniel in 541 and there were just too many coincidences to not reach out… Like Daniel, I was put into a situation that - frankly - I wasn’t prepared for, but the Lord stepped up in a huge way. Unlike Daniel, however - my church tried to sweep it all under the rug…
VIDEO: Exorcist in Nashville Shares Exorcism Experiences and Dangers of the Occult
“If you start digging into the occult, you’re opening a door. And you might not be strong enough to close it - and then you have to call me.” Reverend Daniel Reehil sits down with Michael Knowles to offer an extensive look at his stories of exorcism, demonic encounters, and supernatural experiences - all real-life events that may be scarier than any horror movie.
BLOG: Demonic Possession is Real and On the Rise
Many people may be familiar with one of the most iconically frightening movies in film history: The Exorcist. The film features demonic possession, exorcism, and frame after frame of terrifying images. After watching (if you dare to watch!) you may be left disturbed, scared, or horrified. But the good news is, that movie is just a fake, made-up Hollywood plot! Right?
Written Confession: Seeing Demons and Angels
The following written confession was submitted via email: …I was about 9 or 10 years old when I saw my first demon. It was nighttime and I wanted to sleep in my brother's room because I don't like to sleep in my room for some reason. My brother's and I would do that a lot for some reason; sleep in each others' rooms. My brother has a twin sized bed so we both were definitely not going to both fit which means I was sleeping on the floor next to the closet…