Written Confession: A Park Ranger's Strange Campfire Story
The following written confession was shared via Reddit by ParkRangerChris: On a night in 2006 or 2007 (A guess) i noticed a camp fire in the distance and i went to investigate as setting up camps in this area was not allowed as conservation efforts where in place. I walked over no-one was here and thought what idiots would let a fire unattended. So i went over there were about 2 tents from what i remember and no-one there i radioed in and asked for a couple of guys to come to clean-up. When they arrived i went to look for any sign that people were around….
Written Confession: Phantom Truck Crash in Missouri
The following written confession was shared via Reddit: One of the strangest things that ever happened to me was one time when I was first married, probably around 1987 I took my wife's brother and three nephews camping in a cave. It was located on Highway 17 near Waynesville Missouri, near the Gascanade River, that's not to far from Ft. Lenard Wood. This is a huge cave and can be seen from the highway…
Written Confession: An Eerie, Unexpected Scene on the Side of the Road
The following written confession was originally shared online: On one of these day trips I was driving through a heavily wooded area that opened up to a field lined with trees on my left. I was pretty zoned out at this point, but something on the side of the road immediately caught my attention. In fact, it even seemed that time slowed so that I could see this apparition with more vivid detail than any random artifact I would ever glance at lying off the roadside…