Written Confession: The Money-Counting Apparition in Australia
The following written confession was submitted via email: I went on holiday to Kangaroo Island in South Australia with my partner at the time. We stayed at the Pennashaw hotel/motel on the last night before leaving..I was watching a program on the Barney and Betty Hill abduction that night and went to sleep about 11:00….
Creature Feature Friday: The Bunyip
Creature Feature Friday: the Bunyip! Originating in Aboriginal legend, the Bunyip is a water cryptid native to Australia. It can be found (if it exists, that is) in swamps, creeks, rivers, billabongs, and waterholes, where it bides its time until it can kill anyone who wanders too close to the water’s edge. Livestock, women, and children are its favorite selections to eat in the dark of night…
Written Confession: The Haunted Australian Location That Followed Them Home
The following Confession was shared via The Confessionals Facebook page: My wife and i went to one of Australia's most haunted locations. An old homested called monte cristo .This place is rather haunted and has a notorious history which is rather famous now a days and is used as a tourist attraction. Any way we spent a few hours touring the place and my wife came to the opinion that ghosts dont exist and set about saying this aloud around the place. Fast forward a week and we had come to notice some strange noises and eerie feelings around our place….