VIDEO: Quite Frankly "Dreamland, Spiritual Attack, LaVey's Silver Cord" Featuring Tony Merkel
This episode of Quite Frankly features Tony Merkel, host of The Confessionals Podcast, diving into some of his most recent paranormal experiences. From spiritual attacks and Dogman updates to an upcoming trip to “The Meadow,” Tony shares firsthand accounts of the supernatural.
VIDEO: Tony Merkel Joins “Inverted World Live” with Shane Cashman and Alex Ayala
Last week, former president Donald Trump miraculously survived an assassination attempt, and now people are claiming they saw a UFO in the sky above the rally where it happened - welcome to Inverted World Live, hosted by Shane Cashman! Tony Merkel joins Shane on Episode 11 to discuss the bizarre events of last week and more stories from the Inverted World.
VIDEO: Noah Jacob Tv Explores Andrew Dawson’s Giant Sighting in British Columbia
Noah Jacob Tv dives in to the mysterious, unsettling story of Andrew Dawson and his mountain giant sighting, with a nod to Tony Merkel and our blog about the same event, TikToker Who Posted Video of a Giant on Whistlers Peak Mountain and Said CIA Was Stalking Him Dies 3 Months Later.
VIDEO: Disturbing Clip of a Man Crawling Out of the Woods Creeps Out... Well, Everyone
Viewer discretion advised! A listener sent us the link to a short but disturbing clip that has many folks on the internet mystified and horrified. With almost no background information, we can’t really draw conclusions about what’s happening here, but the the theories range far and wide — and creepy. Are we looking at a staged scene, a man lost in some heavy drug use, or an episode of demonic possession?
VIDEO: Tony Joins The Kev Baker Show on YouTube
On April 2, 2020, Tony joined a live episode of The Kev Baker Show on YouTube. Watch his interview for a two-hour conversation about bigfoot, fallen angels, creepy feelings in the woods, and many more supernatural-paranormal topics! Many thanks to Kev Baker for having Tony as a guest!
VIDEO: Tony Joins Bigfoot Odyssey as a Guest Host
On June 5, 2019, Tony joined Bigfoot Odyssey on YouTube as a guest host on the episode "RESEARCHERS REPORT #5 Joe Vogel Sees Huge Sasquatch While Camping.” Check out the episode below for an entertaining interview and discussion about Sasquatch! Thanks to Bigfoot Odyssey for the opportunity to come on the show!