Written Confession: Large UFO Lights Up Mountainside
The following written confession was submitted via email: At 4am on 12/19 I stepped outside for work and saw three massive balls of light formed into a triangle. 2 yellow and one reddish orange. It was too dark to tell if it was an entire craft.. but the lights flew in complete sync with each other. The lights were each, roughly the size of a vehicle…
Written Confession: UFO Sightings Caught on Camera in Two Different Countries
The following written confession, photos, and videos were submitted via email: I am originally from Brazil and my interest in UFO started in 2012 City of Salvador - Bahia, when I saw something really weird in the sky like a shooting star coming from the right to the left and it stopped in the air for around 1-2 minutes, I was so excited that I did not blink until it flies fast as lightning straight up . . .