VIDEO: The Paranormal Portal of Hockomock Swamp
Paranormal and portals? That’s all we need to hear. Join Phill (Episode 50: Haunting Stories of Onset, Massachusetts) on a trek through Hockomock Swamp to catch EVPs, evidence of a witch, and more high strangeness in the video The Paranormal Portal of Hockomock Swamp.
VIDEO: Pennhurst State School - Paranormal Investigation, Part 1 & 2
Whether it’s the terrible and tragic history, or the creepy decrepit buildings that remain behind, there is something about Pennhurst Asylum in Spring City, Pennsylvania that never ceases to be (morbidly) fascinating. Check out a recent paranormal adventure from Phill from Episode 50: Haunting Stories of Onset, Massachusetts as he investigates the haunted facility.