BLOG: 10 Episodes of The Confessionals Podcast To Entertain You On International Podcast Day (and Kick Off a Spooky October)
Happy International Podcast Day! Whether you’re a brand new listener of The Confessionals Podcast or you’ve been with us from the very beginning, we’ve pulled together 10 quintessential TC episodes to entertain you on IPD! (…Although it’s hard to choose just 10, tbh!) And as an added bonus, all of these episodes have just the right amount of scary and mysterious to kick off October, the spookiest month of the year.
Creature Feature Friday: The Pukwudgie
It’s Creature Feature Friday! It may be small, but it’s deadly, mean, and not to be trifled with. Take a look at 5 disturbing details about the magical North American cryptid known as the Pukwudgie… including its appearance in The Confessionals Episode 50: Haunting Stories of Onset, Massachusetts.