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Creature Feature Friday: The Momo

This edition of Creature Feature Friday presents: The Momo!

Check out these 5 details about this bipedal cryptid:

1) "Momo" stands for Missouri Monster, a creature very similar to Bigfoot that is reported to reside in Missouri.

2) Physical attributes of the Momo include: a 6-to-7-foot height, a furry body with hair covering even the eyes, and a large, pumpkin-shaped head. It also smells pretty terrible.

3) The "Missouri Monster Scare" first began in July 1971, when two women saw a "half ape and half man" along Highway 79. It reportedly made strange gurgling noises.

4) Sightings continued through July 1972, and included the findings of several large, three-toed footprints.

5) The Momo also loves dogs - for dinner.  During the Missouri Monster scare, several dog graves were found disturbed and surrounded by scattered bones. Once the Momo was even glimpsed carrying a dead dog away under its arm! Yikes.