Creature Feature Friday: Batsquatch

If you’ve ever been curious about cryptids or love a good mystery, then you’ve probably heard of Bigfoot. But did you know that there’s a winged relative of Bigfoot flying around the Pacific Northwest? Meet our Creature Feature Friday: Batsquatch, the mysterious winged sasquatch that has folks scratching their heads and ducking for cover.

1) Origin Story: The legend of Batsquatch first took flight (pun intended) on May 18, 1980, coinciding with the eruption of Mount St. Helens in Washington. This explosive event is said to have disturbed the creature, causing it to be spotted for the first time by locals. Eyewitnesses reported seeing a large, ape-like creature with enormous bat wings emerging from the ash cloud. Since then, sightings have been sporadic but persistent, adding to the intrigue and mystique of this rare cryptid.

2) Unique Feature: Batsquatch is often described as having a robust, muscular body similar to Bigfoot, but with the added feature of leathery, bat-like wings. Reports vary on its size, but most accounts suggest a height of 9 feet and a wingspan of up to a staggering 50 feet. The creature is typically depicted with glowing red eyes, a wolf-like muzzle, and blue-tinged fur. If Batman and Sasquatch had a love child, this would be it. (Can someone fund that movie, please?)

3) Bad Behavior: Unlike its cousin Bigfoot, who is often portrayed as an elusive, forest-dwelling giant, Batsquatch is believed to be much more aggressive. Eyewitnesses have reported it swooping down on unsuspecting hikers and livestock, leading some to believe that it may have a predatory nature. Fortunately for innocent bystanders on the ground below, Batsquatch encounters are even more rare than Bigfoot sightings, and often met with skepticism.

4) Eyewitness Encounters: There have been several notable sightings of Batsquatch over the years. One of the most famous occurred in 1994 when a man named Brian Canfield was driving through the foothills of Mount Rainier. According to Canfield, his truck suddenly stalled, and Batsquatch landed in front of him, blocking the road. The creature stared at him with its glowing red eyes before taking off into the night sky. Another encounter happened in 2009 when hikers in the Mount Shasta area reported seeing a large winged creature flying overhead. These encounters add fuel to the fiery debate over the existence of Batsquatch.

5) Theories and Speculation: As with any good cryptid, theories about Batsquatch abound. Some believe it to be a species of undiscovered giant bat, while others think it could be a prehistoric creature that survived extinction. There are also those who speculate that Batsquatch is an interdimensional being, popping in and out of our reality like a bad WiFi signal. Cryptozoologists, on the other hand, continue to search for concrete evidence, hoping to solve the mystery once and for all.

What do you make of Batsquatch? Is it a terrifying monster lurking in the forests of the Pacific Northwest, or just another tall tale spun around campfires? Keep your eyes on the skies and your marshmallows close — you never know when Batsquatch might drop in for a snack.

To explore another strange bat-like cryptid, check out Creature Feature Friday: The Ahool.


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