The Confessionals

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Written Confession: A Fleeting Poolside UFO Sighting in Nebraska

The following written confession was submitted via email:

When I was about 11 yrs old, our mother would buy us a summer pool pass at our small town pool. Very typical for the area (Nebraska). On this particular day, as usual, my brother and I rode our bikes to the pool. Upon arrival, I did the usual... Set my towel down and look for an open spot in the pool to get in. I looked up and a hexagonal shaped metallic something was in the sky just past the pool over the baseball fields. I instantly got this hairs on end feeling all over my body. I was not well versed into what a UFO even was at the time. I remember distinctly my own voice in my head saying that They are watching us and I needed to go home. Right. Now. So I told my brother I needed to go home and left alone. I don't remember anything else from that day or getting home. I'm sure I did it just isn't a part of my remembered memory of that day.