VIDEO: Green UFO Filmed From Multiple Angles Over Tehran

In Tehran, an ordinary evening on May 26 became something extraordinary when a luminous, round object with a ring of green lights suddenly zipped through the city. Residents and skeptics alike grabbed their cameras, capturing this spectacle at a low altitude from multiple vantage points.

The multiple angles and perspectives suggest either a well-coordinated effort to document the event or a widespread encounter with an unidentified visitor. The surreal display has sparked various theories.

One popular speculation is a drone swarm, with unmanned aerial vehicles performing a synchronized sky ballet. However, the precise light patterns challenge this idea, making it seem more like something straight out of a sci-fi movie. Another theory is deliberate fabrication, suggesting the footage was doctored to create the illusion of a UFO sighting, which could explain the uniformity and simultaneous social media appearances. So far, the event remains an internet mystery. Could Tehran have experienced a genuine close encounter with the third kind?

The Hidden Underbelly 2.0 breaks down the sightings in the video UFO Seen Flying Over The City Of Tehran, Iran On May 26, 2024.


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