OT 738: Warfare In The Second Heaven
In this Overtime episode, Caleb shares revelations of spiritual warfare that stretch beyond the physical world. From dream battles in the second heaven to encounters with entities lurking in hidden realms, his journey has been one of survival, resistance, and divine intervention. He describes the moment he realized his dreams were more than imagination—missions in an unseen war, where he faced demonic forces, walked through catacombs of the damned, and was hunted by supernatural entities. From hellhounds driving him toward unknown fates to a shadowy being that claimed dominion over his soul, every battle carried real-world consequences.
But as the enemy marked him for destruction, God armed him for battle. With prayer as his weapon and faith as his shield, he learned to fight back—not just for himself, but for others trapped in this war. If the second heaven is a battleground, what does it mean for those unknowingly caught in the crossfire? And how many are being recruited—on both sides?
OT 708: Hidden History Of Dogman
In this Overtime episode Seth joins to share a lifetime of encounters with the supernatural as it takes a chilling turn when he is pulled into a battle beyond comprehension. From demonic attacks in childhood dreams to a night where an unseen force ripped him from his body, his experiences defy explanation. But when the darkness seemed unstoppable, divine power broke through, leaving a lasting mark on his faith and understanding of spiritual warfare.
OT 692: Dark Shift
In this Overtime, Lindsay Merkel joins Tony and Russ to share some of the information she has found in the years since learning of this intense story. Lindsay, being an avid reader and thurough researcher, was able to find ties to other works of literature, movies, and TV shows. She also managed to connect many parts of the original text to events Russ is describing, and theorizes as to the extent of which this mystery goes. Russ shares more information, and helps to connect some dots for both Tony and Lindsay.
OT 684: The Bunny Man
In this Overtime, Jeremy and Derek discuss a range of intriguing topics, including the mysteries of CERN, the chilling legend of the Bunny Man, and firsthand accounts of supernatural encounters. They explore the possible connections between black holes, portals, and interdimensional beings, as well as the dark history behind some of these phenomena. They dive deep into both ancient rituals and cutting-edge scientific discoveries, offering a comprehensive look at some of the most mysterious and unsettling subjects around.
OT 665: Bloodlines of Monsters
In this overtime, Nathan reveals the experiences in military intelligence, covert operations, and the dark side of government manipulation and mind control, emphasizing confession, healing, and raising autonomous children outside the system. He explains his experiences with underground military bases, occult societies, and significant sites like the Denver Airport, with personal stories of special missions, exploring tunnels, and encounters with cryptids, stressing the need for passive protection and covert access. Nathan then discusses ancient artifacts, megalithic structures, and the dangers of the supernatural realm without strong faith, warning about the risks of exploring these phenomena without understanding the occult, including mentions of dogmen and interdimensional beings.
OT 657: Lilith Comes Calling
In this Overtime, Tony, Justin, and Joel dive into the demonic figure of Lilith, tracing her origins and diverse mythologies. They discuss her role as Adam's first wife, banished from Eden, and her appearances in the Bible, Mesopotamian, and Jewish lore. They then explore Lilith as a water demon and her ties to other demonic entities, including eerie tales of missing people in the Appalachians linked to her influence. They also speculate on Lilith as a prolific demonic entity, reproducing other demons, and touch on the Sumerian Kings List, pondering the existence of a mysterious ninth king.
OT 643: Quest For The Ancient Sundial
In this Overtime, Tony and Brian discuss their thoughts on joining the military, the impact of military service on individuals, the role of the military in society, and the current state of politics and propaganda. They also touch on the importance of face-to-face interaction and the effects of social media on society. They then transition into a discussion about missing persons cases and the Summer Wells case in particular.
OT 639:Dreamscape Warfare
In this overtime segment, Tony continues the conversation with Vicki Joy, alongside his wife, Lindsay. They explore the role of men as spiritual protectors and the attack on masculinity and the family, as well as, diving into the significance of dreams and the presence of witnesses in astral experiences. Vicki explains the impact of vows and oaths, highlighting the need for caution and understanding in making commitments, specifically in the astral plane. Overall, the conversation sheds light on the spiritual warfare and the importance of spiritual authority in protecting oneself and loved ones. Additionally, they discuss the impact of the theta state on spiritual experiences and the potential conditioning of society to dismiss spiritual encounters as disorders. Lindsay also recounts a dream she had that has been on her mind since having it, allowing Vicki the opportunity to interpret what it meant.
OT 631: Goliath’s Blade
In this Overtime segment Tony, Joel and Juan embark on an enthralling journey that intertwines ancient myths with the tapestry of modern life, revealing the subtle influence of Nephilim and giants through the ages. Joel shares a story of a giant from the Solomon Islands whose transformation from a feared predator to a revered peacemaker challenges our preconceived notions about these mythological beings. As the discussion unfolds, they dive into a captivating theory: could the remarkable prowess observed in today's sports stars and entertainers hint at a lineage traced back to these ancient giants? This episode skillfully marries the art of storytelling with insightful speculation, inviting our listeners to ponder the fascinating ways in which the echoes of our mythic past continue to resonate within the modern world. Join us in this Overtime conversation, where the boundaries between the mythical and the real blur, offering a fresh perspective on the legends that have shaped human history.
OT 582: Wendigo Woods
In the Overtime segment, Jon shares another of his extraordinary life experiences, this time focusing on a downtown Milwaukee building that became the epicenter of their urban exploration adventures. With his brother AJ by his side, they embarked on what seemed like the perfect exploration mission, an old, abandoned building void of recent human presence. Yet, from the moment they entered the sole entryway, a sense of unease gripped Jon. As they ascended through the building's interior, a realization set in – something was profoundly amiss. Jon takes us on this mind-bending journey, as he vividly describes a possible accidental foray into another realm, where they found themselves peering through a window at the very building they thought they had entered. This Overtime will surely leave you with more questions than answers.
OT 574: Military Base Portals and Glitches
In the Overtime for today's show, we will be getting into reports that Nick has received regarding giants in Afghanistan. Many believe the giant of Kandahar was an isolated incident relegated to a myth or legend. Still, Nick presents stories that revive the notion of giants living and thriving in today's world, shedding light on how they coexist among those who reside in Afghanistan.
OT 556: Non-Human Intelligence Warfare
In our exclusive overtime segment, Walter shares astonishing revelations about his own father, who he believes was a victim of the infamous MK-Ultra program. We explore the depths of how his father's very being was altered by this covert operation. But that's not all, we also touch upon the intriguing GATE program, as we prepare for an upcoming show featuring a lady who had a firsthand involvement in it. Walter, having been part of the GATE program himself, has intimate knowledge of it. He shares his personal insights and experiences in the overtime discussion.
OT 526: Treasure Hunting with The Knights of Cast Castle
In Episode 526: Treasure Hunting with The Knights of Cast Castle we are joined by Shane Cashman and Wesley Roth. They both work for Tim Pool, Shane as a writer and host of Tales From The Inverted World, and Wesley as the writer and director of the Cast Castle sitcom. In this first part of an Overtime episode, we talk about Shane's journey tracking down lost confederate gold from the Civil War and trying to raise children through a global illness, and keeping careers afloat. In the Overtime, we talk about a lot of topics such as our spiritual developments, witches opening portals with dogmen coming through, Tony's warlock invitation, Shane's time spent interviewing Ye (Kanye West), Eliza Bleu, and much more.
OT 524: Bigfoot and Dogman Nephilim DNA
In episode 524: Bigfoot and Dogman Nephilim DNA we are joined by Scott Carpenter. I was in a local pizzeria called Legends and Lore Pizzaria and in talking to the owner he informed me that Scott Carpenter, the author of The Nephilim Among Us, lives in the same town my studio is located in. So we reached out to Scott and brought him to the studio for a fantastic conversation. Scott was someone that laughed at people who believe bigfoot existed and probably thought someone should be institutionalized when claiming they have seen one. All that stopped one day while fishing and encountering a bigfoot himself. Once that happened he did a 360 and started to research everything he could about them. He would go out in the woods with cameras strapped to his body to catch as many video hours as possible to increase his chance of catching something on film. The more he researched and the more he went out, the more he learned bigfoot was not the only creature that roams these East Tennessee hills. He's had dogman encounters, little people encounters, and portal sightings which all lead him to believe there is more to these cryptids than just being hairy creatures living in the forest.
OT 514: Terror In The LBL
In Episode 514: Terror In The LBL we are joined by Martin Groves, a retired sheriff, who recently started speaking publicly about his horrific experience in the Land Between The Lakes (LBL) back in 1993. Martin and his hunting partner, who was also a police officer, went on a weekend hunting trip that was supposed to be fun and relaxing. After spending some time in the LBL on their hunts and as nightfall approached, things turn to anything but relaxing. Martin recalls being stalked on his way back to camp where his partner was waiting for him. Then that night through a series of dramatic events, Martin and his partner came to realize that they were being hunted by three upright-walking dogmen. As one dogman came walking into their camp to show itself to them, there were two taunting them from the shadows. They fired upon the creatures and ran for the truck where they encounter more unexpected beasts. Martin and his partner escaped with their lives that night but one hunter not far from their camp wasn't so lucky. After this experience, Martin spent the next 20+ years of his law enforcement career quietly investigating these encounters people were having in the LBL. He's connected a lot of dots and wants to share what he's learned with everyone today in this two-part Overtime episode!
OT 510: Dogman Interdimensional Portals
In Episode 510: Dogman Interdimensional Portals we are joined by Hunter. I believe he holds a key to better understanding the depths of these topics we cover on this show. Hunter has dreams that he says are more real than the "waking world." During one of these experiences, he came across a dogman that was targeting his family and when he stepped in between, the beast turned its attention to Hunter and started to rip him apart. When he woke up he was sitting up in his bed but with scratches on his back and handprint bruises on his shoulder. One could say that the dream was so vivid that Hunter did that to himself while in the sleep state fighting this monster. And Hunter would have been happy to chalk it up as just that but he can no longer entertain that theory. One day shortly after the dream he was out in the woods with his son when this dogman beast showed itself to him and his son and chased them through the forest. How can Hunter's dream beast appear on this side of reality? Are dreams more than what we are traditionally taught they are? Is the human mind a gateway or portal to a whole other realm that is as real as you and me?
OT 506: Spiritual Attacks and Healing Prayers
In Episode 506: Spiritual Attacks and Healing Prayers we are joined by Stephanie. Years ago on Episode 227: Casting Out Demons & Healing The Sick I did an interview with a man named Hector who had a prayer ministry called The Centurion 813 Prayer Ministry. Before that interview, Hector wanted to pray for any bodily ailments Jack and I were dealing with. During that prayer, Jack's shoulder was healed and that was going to be an omen for things to come for Hector's ministry. Since broadcasting that interview the ministry has grown in participants in which many listeners from this show got involved. One of those listeners is today's guest, Stephanie. She comes on to talk about the lifelong battles in the spiritual realm starting from what she remembers before she was born. She shares how she turned away from the idea of there being a God and dove into witchcraft and the occult only to find herself not only participating in a Christian healing ministry but now leading it as she and Hector both felt God telling them that she was to take over as the head of the ministry.
OT 500: Sasquatch Saga - The Friendship, The Killing, and The Coverup
In Episode 500: Sasquatch Saga - The Friendship, The Killing, and The Coverup, we are joined by Randy! Recently, Randy has been recovering memories of a childhood he never knew he had. As he recovers his memories, he has been able to piece together an astonishing story about a juvenile bigfoot that befriended him and his childhood friends - a friendship that would come with consequences. As their comfort with the creature grew, they became less and less aware of each other's differences. Then one day, when Randy and the juvenile sasquatch known as Mike were playing, Mike acted in a way that scared Randy. In turn, Randy's fear confused Mike and caused him to lash out abruptly, engaging them in a physical struggle. Their struggle caught the attention of both an adult Sasquatch nearby and Randy's father. Through a series of unfortunate events, Randy was left nearly naked, Mike was shot dead, and soon the government moved in to cover up the whole incident. To erase all traces of what happened, the government hypnotized nearly everyone involved in the events, but the work they performed on Randy seems to be wearing off sooner than they expected. Now, Randy is on a mission to track down all the parties involved, confront them, and prove that Sasquatch is not only real but also nothing to be feared.
OT 478: New World Order's Most Hunted Journalist | Shepard Ambellas
In this Overtime segment, Shep shares about the time he stumbled into an underground vampire coven and all about how he's fled the United States after multiple experiences of people chasing him down and trying to kill him for the information he was releasing to the world.