181: It’s In The Room With Me Right Now (Members)

In Episode 181: It’s In the Room With Me Right Now, we talk with Danny, who has been haunted since childhood by at least one entity that he believes is out to destroy him. Danny expresses how he has a type of sixth sense and believes this entity knows he is different, and doesn’t like it at all.


Dear Tony,

Hey man so I wanted to follow up with our interview and tell you something that actually happened an hour and a half ago. So I flew back to Ohio to have a surgery on my hand and I woke up at exactly 3 am to a growling noise. My heart rate was extremely fast and I got the feeling of a demonic presence. This proceeded for about 30 minutes then I heard laughing. Shockingly I’m used to this so I turned on my light for a bit and just tried to slow my heart rate. I then turned off the light and tried to sleep and i was bombarded with all of these thoughts of my heart exploding, family members dying or hating me, and failing tests, etc. My chest got extremely heavy and I could hardly breathe. I then got up, turned on the light, and have been awake since. I somewhat sort of used this “sixth sense” ability to cast away or i thought i cast sway this demonic entity. It wasn’t very powerful and i am thankful for that. I thought I kept seeing the black shadowy figure of a demon when I was outside looking through my windows all day today but I ignored it. Im fine now but I thought this would be a good follow up to our conversation a few weeks ago. I honestly believe this demonic entity showed itself or tried to harm me because i am weakened from surgery. Sorry for the late email, I just wanted to give the story to you as fresh as possible.



183: Satan Attacked My Mother (Members)


179: Pastor Has Out Of Body Experience (Members)